Thank you registering for a 14 day trial of Vision. Please note that the Vision trial is not available in every country due to contractual and legal issues. If you were not able to select your country in the previous page this means a trial is not available in your country.
When the trial has been downloaded and installed you can run it immediately. Please note: the trial will run for 14 days from the very first time you run it. When you start the trial click the Continue button to enter Vision. If the Continue button is greyed out and cannot be clicked this means the trial has ended. You can only run the trial once on your computer. Trials cannot be extended or repeated on the same computer.
Downloading Vision
To download Vision click the button below that is approprate to your computer's operating system. You need to download the appropriate installation file first of all and then install it onto your computer. The download files are very large and can typically take 1 - 1.5 hours to download.
Once downloaded and installed, please start Vision and click the 'Continue' button when available to access the trial (note : you do not require a Product key to run the trial - a key is only required to activate permanently after purchase). If the Continue button is greyed out, this suggests that you have taken the trial previously : there is a restriction of one trial per computer.
Vision for Windows
Runs on Windows 11, 10 and 8.1. Does not run on Windows 7 (original version) or Windows 8.0 and Miccant cannot provide support should you install Vision v2 on these.
Vision v2 may run on Windows 7 if you have Service Pack 1 installed although this operating system is no longer supported by Microsoft.
Click the button below to download
Vision for Mac
Click the button below to download MacVision. This is a large file and can take approximately 1 hour to download. Vision version 2 runs on Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura. Once downloaded open your Downloads folder, double click on the DMG (installer ) file and then drag the app into your Applications folder (from left to right as the graphic will show you). The first time you run Vision you will need to give permission for Vision to run if your Mac gives warnings. Please let Vision have access to all that is requested.
Note: We recommend you do not use 'Dark Mode' on your Mac (if available) with Vision. Use 'Light Mode' if you can. If you do decide to use 'Dark Mode' you will probably need to manually set the colours of text displayed in MacVision.
Trial Contents
All features of Vision are available to be used in the trial with the restriction that no data or material can be saved or copied.
The following repertories are included in the trial so that you can explore and decide which you wish to use:
- Combined Repertory
- Classic Repertories (Boenninghausen, Boericke, Boger, Phatak, Clark)
- Complete Repertory (full edition)
- Murphy's Repertory (3rd edition)
- Sherr's Q-Rep
- Practical Repertory
- Meditative Repertory
- Lacs Repertory
The Rhodium Library of materia medica is also included (344 volumes)
Should you decide to purchase Vision after your trial you can configure exactly which books you wish to add to the base system (base system = the Vision software plus classic repertories).
Get Help
Should you experience any difficulties downloading or installing the trial please Request Support by clicking the button below and we will assist you.