Meditative Repertory
Contemporary Repertory of Meditative Provings by Paula Leszczuk and Karan MainMeditative Pack At the time none of the participants realised that these new remedies would become as widely known and used as they have become. They did not keep the records that tell us when the provings changed from a known to an unknown remedy. But what was evident was that for most provers, knowing or not knowing the remedy made no difference at all, whilst for others, and one in particular, there was a difference in the nature and quality of the information on the remedy. “The remedies presented have been drawn solely from provings and do not include anything intuited by individuals outside the parameters of the provings. No extrapolations have been included as to states, conditions or diseases the remedy might treat based on the proving symptoms. In the materia medica I have deliberately included spiritual teachings related to the remedy pictures as reading the remedies is in itself a constant reminder of our spiritual selves.” Madeline Evans The repertory is contained in entirety. You can choose to work exclusively with this repertory which is very nicely presented in a modern appealing design or you can integrate its use alongside all the other repertories in your Vision system. Unlike other repertories the style of this repertory is unique in that the proving expressions have not been broken into individual word parts : the full expressions have been preserved as rubrics. The style of the repertory is therefore similar to that of Knerr’s Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms. This repertory contains chapters seldom found in a repertory before; with headings such as Astrological, Breasts [much more user-friendly than Mammae], Environment, Esoteric/Exoteric, Pelvis, Sensations As If, Puberty, Toxicity and Miasms, as well as the expected: Mind, Generals and so on. Arms and Legs replace Extremities, and Diseases and Conditions are grouped together in one chapter instead of leaving us groping amongst the Generals. "Many many thanks for the repertory. It is wonderful, a real timely asset to our prescribing of new remedies. A wonderfully dedicated, well presented and beautifully illustrated. I am very impressed with this book. It certainly presents all that I could have wished for in a repertory when I first set out on the adventure of meditative provings many years ago. The work and dedication put into this should be an inspiration to us all. May all who use this work be blessed with much insight and healing" Janice Micallef "What a tome! What dedication you both have had to spend three years at it. What immediately strikes me is the clarity of the type setting, the ease with which one can find one's way about and the unfussiness of the whole enterprise. It is refreshingly unpretensious." Colin Griffith Remedies Included in the Materia Medica
Minerals Animals and Insects Human Other energies | ||