Rhodium MM Library
- 344 volumes of materia medica for use with Vision. You can quickly search for words across this entire library of original source books and/or browse the texts as written. This is an essential collection of classics that you will use constantly.
- £150.00
Contains all of these works
- 40 years in practise – Jahr
- 50 reasons to be a homeopath - Burnett
- ABC Manual of MM – Allen HC
- Acute conditions and injuries - Tyler
- Agathis australis proving
- AIDS proving
- Alabaster proving
- Alligator proving
- Amethyst proving
- Analytical Repertory of the Mind – Hering
- Anasthesia - Foubister
- Aqua marina proving
- Arenerea rubra proving
- Argentum sulphuricum proving
- Aristolochia proving
- Art of Casetaking - Schmidt
- Artemesia abrotanum proving
- Aspartame proving
- Ayahuasca proving
- Ayahuasca proving (med)
- Balsam Fir proving
- Bath cross spring water proving
- Bayleaf proving (med)
- Berlin Wall proving (med)
- Blatta Orientalis (Grey) proving
- Blatta Orientalis (Thakkar) proving proving
- Black Mustard Coriander proving
- Bluebird proving
- Boger-Boenninghausen’s Repertory
- Box Jellyfish proving
- Brassica proving – Thompson
- Cactus grandiflorus proving
- Cadmium proving
- Camel’s Milk proving
- Cancer - Bernoville
- Cannabis indica proving
- Carbon dioxide proving
- Carcinosin – Foubister
- Case Taking - Schmidt
- Catarrh, cold and grippe - Clarke
- Centipede proving
- Clay proving (med)
- Change of life in women - Burnett
- Characteristic MM of Boenninghausen – Boger
- Characteristic MM - Burt
- Children’s Types - Borland
- Chlamydia proving
- Cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery – Clarke
- Crested Prickly Poppy proving
- Chronic Conditions - Tyler
- Chronic Diseases – Hahnemann (2)
- Chronic Miasm and Pseudo-psora – Allen JH
- Chronic Rheumatism – Bernoville
- Clarke’s Clinical Repertory
- Clinical MM – Farrington
- Clinical Therapeutics vol 1 – Hoyne Temple
- Clinical Therapeutics vol 2 – Hoyne Temple
- Collected articles – Thompson (7)
- Common Cold - Tyler
- Common Columbine proving
- Compendium to principles of homeopathy – Boericke G
- Condensed MM – Hering
- Condor proving
- Constipation – Bernard
- Strong Constitutional effects of anesthesia – Foubister
- Constitutional medicine – Clarke
- Creosote Bush proving
- Cup lichen proving
- Curability of Cataract with medicines - Burnett
- Curability of Tumours – Burnett
- Cure of tumours - Clarke
- Cyclopedia – Hughes (4)
- Decachords - Clarke
- Delicate, Backward, Puny & Stunted children
- Diabetes – Bernoville
- Dictionary of Homeopathic Terms – Terry, Jain & Witko
- Dictionary of Practical MM– Clarke (3)
- Dictionary of Domestic Medicine – Clarke
- Different ways of finding the remedy - Tyler
- Digestive Drugs – Borland
- Diseases of children - Teste
- Diseases of females – Jahr
- Diseases of the glands – non-surgical treatment - Clarke Diseases of the heart – Blackwood
- Diseases of the heart and arteries - Clarke
- Diseases of the kidney and nervous system – Blackwood
- Diseases of the liver - Bernoville
- Disease of liver - Burnett
- Diseases of the liver and pancreas - Blackwood
- Diseases of the peritoneum – Blackwood
- Diseases of the respiratory and digestive system – Bernoville
- Disease of spleen & their remedies – Burnett
- Disease of the skin – Burnett
- Diseases of the skin - Allen
- Disease of the veins - Burnett
- Diseases & therapeutics of the skin – Allen JH
- Disorders of Menstruation – Cowperthwaite
- Domestic Physician – Hering
- Dragonfly (Damselfly)
- Dreaming Potency proving
- Drosera - Tyler
- Eaglewood Tree proving
- Earthworm proving
- Elements of Homeopathy - Gibson
- Emerald proving
- Emergencies of General Practice – Borland
- Encyclopaedia of Puare Materia Medica – Allen (10)
- Enlarged tonsils cured by medicines - Burnett
- Eruptive fevers – Bernoville
- Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics – Dewey
- Expanded Works - Nash
- Falcon proving – Norland
- Family Practice - Jahr
- Fear and Homeopathy - Gibson
- Feldspar proving – Thompson
- Fevers & blood poisoning - Burnett
- Finding the remedy - Tyler
- Firefly proving
- Fistula & its radical cure by medicines - Burnett
- Flora Homeopathica – Hamilton
- Genius of Homeopathy – Close
- Giant Green Sea Anenome proving
- Gila monster proving
- Ginkgo biloba proving
- Gold as a remedy in disease – Burnett
- Goldfish proving
- Gout – Burnett
- Grand Characteristics of MM – Clarke
- Graphical Drug Pictures - Pulford
- Great Wall of China proving
- Guiding Symptoms – Hering (10)
- Gunpowder - Clarke
- Hahnemann’s Concept of Chronic Disease - Tyler
- Haemorrhoids – Geurnsey
- Haemorrhoids and habitual constipation - Clarke
- Handbook of MM – Allen
- Headache and its MM - Underwood
- Helix Tosta (Snail) proving
- Hidden Treasures of the Organon - Schmidt
- Hogweed proving – Thompson
- Homeopathic Drug Pictures - Tyler
- Homeopathic Materia Medica – Julian
- Homeopathic Prescribing - Farrington
- Homeopathy Explained - Clarke
- Homeopathy & Paediatrics - Foubister
- Homeopathy for mother and infant – Borland
- Homeopathy in theory and practise – Borland
- Homeopathy Introductory Lectures – Tyler
- Homeopathic Prescribing – Farrington H
- Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer - Bernoville
- Homeopathic Treatment of Constipation – Bernard
- Housefly proving
- How to take the case - Dunham
- Hummingbird proving
- Important nosodes – Allen HC
- Indigestion – its causes and cure - Clarke
- Influenza – Borland
- Introductory lectures – Tyler
- Jupiter proving
- Kaki Persimmon tree proving
- Kauri Tree proving
- Keynotes - Allen
- Keynotes of MM – Guernsey
- Keynotes – Lippe
- Keynotes – Witko and Jain
- Keynotes with Nosodes – Allen HC
- Key to MM - Pulford
- Kgaba (Pitocine) proving
- Knopper Oak Galls proving
- Koala proving
- Lac caninum – Foubister
- Lac Maternum proving
- Lava Basaltic proving
- Leaders - Pulford
- Leaders in pneumonia – Pulford
- Leaders in the use of Sulphur - Nash
- Lectures of MM – Kent
- Lectures of Homeopathic Philosophy – Kent
- Lectures on MM – Dunham
- Lesser Writings – Boenninghausen
- Lesser Writings – Farrington
- Lesser Writings - Hahnemann
- Lesser Writings – Kent
- Lilium tigrinum proving
- Loxo recluse spider proving
- LSD 25 proving
- Materia Medica - Blackwood
- Materia Medica Pocketbook – Boericke
- Materia Medica – Guernsey
- Materia Medica - Julian
- Materia Medica - Lesser
- Materia Medica - Lippe
- Materia Medica – Phatak
- Materia Medica - Stephenson
- Materia Medica of Graphical Pictures - Pulford
- Materia Medica of Important Nosodes – Allen HC
- Materia Medica of Nosodes - Julian
- Materia Medica Practical - Dewey
- Materia Medica Pura – Hahnemann (3)
- Meteorite proving
- Mobile Phone Radiation proving
- Model Cures – Hering
- Moreton Bay Fig proving
- Mosquito proving
- Natrum Muriaticum – Burnett
- Neuralgia - Burnett
- New cure for consumption - Burnett
- New, Old & Forgotten Remedies - Anshutz
- Nitrogen proving
- Obstetrics – Geurnsey
- Organ disease of women & sterility - Burnett
- Organon – Hahnemann
- Organon of Medicine – Clarke
- Osage Orange proving
- Ozone proving
- Pacific Yew Tree proving
- Peacock proving
- Pearls of Homeopathy – Douglas
- Pediatrics - Foubister
- Phytolacca proving
- Plastic Medicine - Gallavardin
- Pneumonia – Borland
- Pneumonia Leaders – Pulford
- Pointers - Farrington
- Positronium proving
- Prescriber – Clarke
- Principles of practise - Hughes
- Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics - Dewey
- Prickly Ash proving
- Primer of MM – Allen T
- Principles of Art and Cure - Roberts
- Principles and Practice - Hughes
- Prominent Remedies – Hawkes
- Psychism and homeopathy - Gallavardin
- Physiological MM- Burt
- Puff Adder proving
- Python regia proving
- Radium as an internal remedy - Clarke
- Redline MM – Lippe
- Regionals – Boericke W
- Repertorising – Tyler & Weir
- Repertory Extraction – Combined 2nd edition
- Repertory Extraction - Phatak
- Repertory of Psychic Medicine and MM - Gallavardin
- Respiratory System Disorders – Bernoville
- Revolution in Homeopathy – Clarke
- Rheumatic Remedies – Roberts
- Ringworm, its constitutional medicine – Burnett
- Roadrunner proving
- Rose Quartz proving (med)
- Rubrical and and Regional textbook - Gentry
- Saguarro proving
- Salient MM - Clevland
- Salix fragilis proving
- Salix Fragilis proving (med)
- Science of Homeopathic Therapeutics - Dunham
- Sea anenome proving
- Sea Horse proving
- Sensations, as if – Roberts
- Sequoia proving (med)
- Sexual Ills and Diseases - Anshutz
- Shipwreck proving
- Slate proving
- Sparrow proving
- Special Symptomatology - Hale
- Spider Web proving
- Stingray proving
- Study Course in Homeopathy - Speight
- Study of MM - Choudary
- Studies in the philosophy of healing – Boger
- Study of Kent’s Repertory - Tyler
- Study of MM – Boger
- Sycamore Seed (med)
- Symptoms Alone - Gibson
- Synoptic Key to MM – Boger
- Taking the Case - Dunham
- Tea Tree proving
- Textbook of MM – Cowperthwaite
- Textbook of Gynaecology - Cowperthwaite
- Textbook – Hansen
- Textbook – Royal
- Therapeutic Byways - Anshutz
- Therapeutic Pointers – Farrngton
- Therapeutics – Lilienthall
- Therapeutics of cancer - Clarke
- Therapeutics of diarhhea – Bell
- Therapeutics of diseases of the liver - Bernoville
- Therapeutics of fever – Allen HC
- Therapeutics of intermittent fevers – Allen HC
- Therapeutics of intoxication – Bernoville
- Therapeutics of new remedies – Hale
- Therapeutics of serpent poison - Clarke
- Thiosinamine proving
- Tiger Shark’s Liver proving
- Tiger’s urine proving
- Tilea Cordata proving
- Times of remedies and moon phases - Boger
- Tortoise proving
- Tumours of the breast - Burnett
- Tumbleweed proving
- Turkey Vulture proving
- Turquoise proving . proving
- Uranium proving
- Use of Repertory – Kent
- Vaccinosis & its cure by Thuja - Burnett
- Venereal Disease - Jahr
- What the doctor needs to know - Kent
- What we must not do – Bernoville
- White tailed Spider proving
- Whooping Cough – Clarke
- Wolf’s Milk proving
- Wollemia nobilis proving