Vision running slowly on Windows
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03.03.2025. *** This has now been resolved with the release of Vision v2.8.2 which has been automatically issued to all Vision users of v2.6, 2,7 and 2.8. If you are running an older version of Vision please go to the Downloads page of this website and download to v2.6 and then the automatic upgrades will also be applied ***
Recently Microsoft updated their Defender antivirus system and this is currently negatively affecting some Vision users. We have been in touch with Microsoft but at this stage we do not have clear idea when the problem will be resolved.
There is nothing we can change inside of Vision to bypass this issue – we simply have to wait for Microsoft to resolve the problem and update the Defender software. Please see figure 1 underneath to be re-assured that Vision is safe to use.
Quite a few other apps have been affected by this change as you can read at the bottom of this email – see figure 2.
Not all Vision users are affected by this issue. However if you notice Vision running slowly with your Windows system with Vision screens being slow to change (perhaps up to 10 seconds each time) then currently there are 2 ways to overcome this issue:-
1. You can replace this Windows Defender software with alternative antivirus software. One alternative we can suggest is the BitDefender software anti-virus software. This is very well regarded and has the advantage of being free. This means you could install BitDefender while the problem persists and then revert back to Microsoft's Defender should you wish tto do so. You can use this link to download and install:
2. You can stay with the Windows Defender software and tell it not to check the Vision app for viruses each time it runs. To do this type the word ‘virus’ into the Windows search bar at the bottom of your screen. Then choose ‘Virus & Threat Protection’. (as shown here):
Click this and scroll down the next screen. Under the heading ‘Virus & Threat Protection Settings’ click ‘Manage Settings’.
Scroll down the next screen and under the heading ‘Exclusions’ click ‘Add or remove exclusions’
Click ‘Add an exclusion’ – then Folder
On your hard disk, C drive, find the Vision2 folder, click it and then click ‘Select Folder’. When selected your screen should look like this:
This procedure tells Defender not to check Vision each time you start it and will resolve the current issue.
We are sorry that Microsoft have caused this issue and are inconveniencing you. Once they have corrected their software and issued an update your Vision software will revert back to normal.
Miccant Homeopathic Software
Figure 1
Figure 2