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Category: Vision version 2

  1. Upgrades to Vision

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    Another free upgrade to Vision is available. This new upgrade provides performance improvements, fixes issues reported to us since the prior release in March and offers 2 new repertories for purchase with Vision! 

    Compete Repertory 2024 edition has been released and the brand new Saine Repertory is also available.

    If you use Windows then your Vision should automatically have been updated to this new version which is numbered v2.0008. If this version is not displaying on the top left corner of your Vision then you can update by clicking the Help menu in Vision and then 'Check for upgrades'

    If you use Mac then this new version is numbered v2.008. You will need to download this from the Downloads page of this website and install it as usual.


  2. Saine Repertory - New repertory for Vision!

    Posted on

    Released for use with Vision on October 1st 2024 this new repertory aims to provide far more accurate repertorisation analysis by using only researched and proven repertory content.

    Essentially, the Saine Repertory strips out of the Complete Repertory many of the newly proven remedies that have little to no supportive case evidence  and adds back in only additions that have been researched in our literature and been shown to be effective.

    It is based on the original and beloved Complete Repertory 4.5 and so has none of the structural chapter and rubric organisation changes made to Complete over the recent years.

    This repertory is available to purchase as an option for use with your Vision system and claims to improve the accuracy of your prescriptions.

    To purchase a copy for your Vision system click here

    To read more about this repertory and the project supporting it click here


  3. Complete Repertory 2024 edition released

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    Introduced in Vision version 2.0007.004 in WinVision and version 2.0008 in MacVision this edition of the Complete is available as an option to purchase with Vision.

    The author also offers a chargeable upgrade to Complete 2024 at an attractive price to users of previous versions.

    To buy a new copy of Complete click here.
    To upgrade your current Complete to the 2024 edition click here.

    What's new and improved?

    This edition is a result of the large amount of available additions (from January-May 2024 118.934 additions were made from 1072 sources):

    1. The usual verification work of adding Rx from clinical cases (many sources, including MMPP data – see following parapgraph) into Complete Repertory 2024 rev. I has also continued. Therefore, although a lot of new provings data was entered, the percentage of clinical information (cured cases) represented some repertories and still on par with Complete Repertory 2024 previous editions. We focused on clinical cases based on the remedies from the new provings and many older cases, prescribing smaller remedies.

    As a result higher grades frequently apply for many of these remedies in the repertory, leading to better analytical results in repertorization and therefore better results in practice.

    2. Additions from the Materia Medica Pura project (MMP project) by André Saine and a dedicated group of colleagues, (24.658 extra additions). The initial work was started 25+ years ago by André, with data exchange between André and me(Roger van Zandvoort), however that exchange was postponed –but has now been revived and completed.

    3. From Provings published in the last 70+ years, 56 provings were added by Dr. Rajesh Rajendran. 

    Additions have been made from these provings:

  4. Vision version 2.0007 released

    Posted on

    Another free upgrade is available for all Vision v2 users. V2.0007 is for both Windows & Mac. It contains:

    Keyboard Shortcuts
    For those who like to use the keys to make things happen more quickly we have added lots of key shortcuts for you to use. You can read about these shortcuts once you have updated to v2.0007 by clicking the Help menu in Vision and then selecting Keyboard shortcuts.

    Repertorisation Chart
    We have made lots of improvements to the repertorisation chart

    Automatic saving of your settings
    If you change the settings on your chart, for example, the Analysis type, Order, or Filters, Vision will remember these and automatically set them up for you the next time you start Vision.

    Show only number of rubrics
    It is now possible to suppress the display of boxes denoting Kingdom Colours and Remedy Grade Totals. This is provided for those users who wish to focus solely on the number of rubrics each remedy covers in the case without the distraction of other coloured boxes. You can access and set these in the Preferences option for the Chart. Here is an example from MacVision:

    New Blend feature
    Vision can now remember your favourite settings in the Chart. All you need do is make the changes to your favourite settings and click the Save Blend button the toolbar of the Chart. Thereafter, if you make any amendments to those settings and want to quickly go back to your regular, favourite settings just click the Restore Blend button. Here is a screenshot from WinVision:

    All of the keys on your keyboard now control the display of the Chart in the way you would expect. You can use the arrow keys to scroll Left and Right through the remedies and Up and Down the list of rubrics. The End and Home buttons take you instantly to very first or last remedy in the Chart.

    Improved way of finding a remedy on the Chart
    In Windows you can now start typing letters to make Vision jump to the first remedy that matches what you are loking for. If you were looking for Sepia somewhere in your Chart just quickly type SEP and press the Enter key to make Vision jump to it.

    In Mac you must firstly use the keyboard combo of Ctrl+R and then type as described above.

    This is a much quicker way of finding remedies compared to the previous method (find remedy in the chart toolbar) or scrolling through the entire list.

    Version 2.0007 will be automatically updated on Windows systems (if you give permission of course). Mac users will need to download v2.0007 from here

  5. Vision version 2.0006 released

    Posted on

    A free upgrade is available for all Vision v2 users. V2.0006 is for both Windows & Mac. It contains:

    New Covid Repertory - from Jeremy Sherr
    New AIDS Repertory - from Jeremy Sherr
    Keynotes for Bach Flower Remedies

    Above are provided free of charge and included in every v2.0006 upgrade.

    Complete Repertory 2023 edition is also supported by this version of Vision. Once you have upgraded to v2.0006 you can purchase a new copy of Complete or upgrade your current copy of Complete to this new edition. 

    Features in v2.0006
    1. NEW:  A new 'quick search' of an entire repertory is available

    2. NEW 'Rule-Out' feature when repertorising 

    3. NEW: You can now add your own images and videos to any rubric in any repertory. 

    4 NEW: When using the Remedy Compare feature you can now click to obtain a chart showing the leading chapters found when you are working with a single remedy (click 'Chapter Distribution' icon on toolbar). 

    5. NEW: In the Remedies tab on the main Vision screen there is a new icon underneath the list of remedies that allows you to quickly see all the 'families' in the Vision database. This can help you read and learn about all the families. 

    6. FIXED: Minor corrections to Murphy's Repertory (adding in a few missing remedies) 

    7. FIXED: Restored the cross reference symbol in Complete Repertory after searching all reps and then browsing Complete 

    8. FIXED: On the Vision clipboard if your Vision is set to display 'no remedies', toggling the remedies on and off with the Spacebar key now correctly re-sizes the window

    To read more about this free upgrade and to download please click below:-

  6. Vision v2.0005 released

    Posted on

    An upgrade is available for all Vision v2 users. V2.0005 is for both Windows & Mac. 

    This is a free upgrade for v2 users. It contains Knerr's Repertory (new) and a revised Boericke Repertory as well as new features and many improvements. New resources are available to buy with this upgrade, namely: Complete Repertory 2021 and Vermeulen Books.

    This upgrade does not apply to Vision version 1 users. 

    To read about this upgrade and to download please click below:-


  7. Vision version 2

    Posted on

    A brand new version of the Vision software is available. Version 2 is available for Windows and Mac computers.

    Vision v2 has been re-engineered to take advantage of recent developments in both Windows and macOS whilst retaining the same overall 'look and feel' (to make transition from version 1 easy for existing users)  

    To watch videos and read about the improvements made in Vision v2 click here.

    We ran an anonymous survey of our advance user team and asked for their opinion on Vision version 2 - here are some results:

    "I think it has improved Vision massively , it is such an intuitive fantastic programme. Lots of features have made it quicker and easier to access extra information."

    "This is a significant enhancement to Vision. It has all the familiar features known to us so that the new features feel intuitive. It's smooth-acting and visually pleasing. The new word-processing tools feel natural. Of great benefit is the interface with the patient database."

    "Amazing piece of technology - the only software needed in clinic...."

    "Vision v2 is a definite improvement on the original Vision software with a new fresh look and enhanced feature"

    "A pleasing and satisfying refreshment."
    "The surface and all functions are much more user-friendly, easy to navigate between different functions, eye-friendly design easily to adapt to one's needs and preferences, very useful for practicioners of new strategies in homoeopathy (Scholten, Sankaran)."

    "Love it and am using it with success. It works faster than the older version."

    "I think, it is a real improvement"


